Independent Collectors
Kunstwerk – Sammlung Klein
Alison and Peter W. Klein are two collectors who do not follow art-market trends but instead only buy what they love.

After thirty years of intense collecting and joint decision making, the internationally-focused Sammlung Klein includes approximately 2,000 works of art, and since 2007 the collection has been housed in a 1,000-square-meter private museum in the town of Nussdorf.
Only collecting what they love, the Klein’s private collection includes photography from the Helsinki School, paintings by Karin Kneffel, works from Anselm Kiefer, Sean Scully and Gregory Crewdson, as well as supporting the careers of younger, emerging artists.
Alison and Peter Klein also travel to Australia annually to visit the galleries and art centers of the region in order to complete their extensive Aboriginal Art collection, which currently includes dot paintings, hollow log coffins, mimihs and various objects of Aboriginal Art.
In their first Online Exhibition we share a small selection of artworks from the Sammlung Klein.
We buy only what we like. The most important factor is that a piece of art touches us. We do not allow great names or trends in the art scene influence us."