Independent Collectors
Part Two
What happens when the private interacts with the public, and when personal decisions become a public matter?

In the first part of the exhibition from the Haus N Collection titled “Vom Grossen und Ganzen”, the works were sorted, organized, and grouped according to particular subjects. The resulting exhibition provided a representative overview of over 200 international works of contemporary art.
In the second part, also housed at the Gerisch-Stiftung, Neumünster, six curators dissect the Haus N Collection by selecting their favorite pieces to create heir own personal exhibitions. Each of the six curators had free rein, turning the collector into a mere spectator. The group was made up of a diverse set characters such as; an art journalist from Berlin, a class of school children from Neumünster, a foundation chairman, a north German artist, the director of an art association and a construction industry manager. Each curator provides a different take on curating, using inspirations from inside and outside the art world, and finally rearranging the collection according to their own rules, giving it their individual fingerprint.